MoviPrep Preparation

If you are taking Plavix, Coumadin, or Pradaxa please contact our office. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Naprosyn, and /or other arthritis medications are usually discontinued five days prior to the procedure.

Take your heart and blood pressure medications as usual the morning of procedure.

The day before the procedure have only clear liquids (see list below). Solid food, milk or milk products are not allowed. You may have clear liquids up to 2 hours before your procedure.

Acceptable Clear Liquids: (Any of the following not red or purple) Strained fruit juices without pulp, water, clear broth/bouillon, coffee/tea (without milk/creamer), Gatorade, soft drinks, kool aid/ fruit flavored drinks, Jell-o, and popsicles. ***you can have clear liquids up until 2 hours prior to your procedure***

The Moviprep carton contains 4 pouches and a disposable container for mixing. You must complete the entire prep to ensure the most effective cleansing.

  • Step 1 (Mix First Dose): The evening before your colonoscopy beginning at 5 pm, empty 1 pouch A and 1 pouch B into container. Add lukewarm water to the top line of container. Mix to dissolve. (If preferred, mix solution ahead of time and refrigerate prior to drinking. Mix solution must be used within 24 hours)
  • Step 2 (Drink First Dose): The Moviprep container is divided by 4 marks. Every 15 minutes, drink the solution down to the next mark (approximately 8 oz), until the full liter is consumed. Then drink 16 oz. of clear liquid ofyour choice. This is a necessary step to ensure adequate hydration and an effective prep.
  • Step 3 (Mix Second Dose): The morning of your colonoscopy beginning 3 hours before your procedure, empty 1 pouch A and 1 pouch B into container. Add lukewarm water to the top line of container. Mix to dissolve. (If preferred, mix solution ahead of time and refrigerate prior to drinking. Mix solution must be used within 24 hours)
  • Step 4 (Drink Second Dose): The Moviprep container is divided by 4 marks. Every 15 minutes, drink the solution down to the next mark (approximately 8 oz), until the full liter is consumed. Then drink 16 oz. of clear liquid of your choice. This is a necessary step to ensure adequate hydration and an effective prep.

You must have someone drive you home after your procedure. You will not be allowed to leave by yourself. You will not be able to drive for the remainder of the day.

Diabetic Patients: Avoid diet sodas and juices. Drink regular sodas and juices during the preparation for this procedure. You will need the extra calories. If you take oral medications for diabetes take the oral medications in the morning the day prior to your procedure then hold medications until after your procedure. If you take insulin for diabetes please make sure to monitor your glucose levels carefully. During the preparation take half of the normal insulin dose. Do not take long acting insulin the evening prior to your procedure. Check your glucose level the morning of your procedure. Hold insulin if level is low, otherwise you may take half the regular insulin in the morning.

For questions regarding scheduling, procedure, or preparation, please feel free to contact us at (520) 721-2728 or via email at [email protected].